Valid Record?

On September 26, 2024 Judge Allison Bell Royer “Ordered and Decreed that a Defense Motion was DENIED and DISMISSED.

I have a few questions regarding the argument presented to warrant her Denial and Dismissal.

  • Who authored the argument?
  • When was the argument presented to the Clerk of Courts and recorded?
  • Why was the document presented to me missing a stamp from the County Clerk of them receiving and entering both the argument and the order?
  • Is is possible in the argument that the term “we” refers to the Prosecutor and the Judge?

Want to look at the actual ORDER/ARGUMENT?

I have not had a chance to converse with my counsel on the legal, and validity questions that would confirm this is a legal document and not fraudulent. On 1/21/2025, Mr. Harmelin did make reference to this document, and refused to clarify and just argue “the decision has been made”. That is not an acceptable response. My Legal Counsel has not afforded me any conversational, or case related conversation outside of being discriminated against within the Chester County Justice Center were I have always been denied my accommodations and equal access.