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November 11, 2024 – What a hysterical evening, and sad at the same time. It started by me shuttling Christmas decorations down to my daughter. I had a car load of boxes (some which I new what was inside). Got to spend a little time with my kiddo. Love that young lady, she makes me a proud father and see her faith blossom. The sad was helping her navigate the horrible tragedy that struck her circle of people she knows. She was talking about coming back up on the 19th. I advised her that she shouldn’t do that. I offered to sit in her place and report back. She gave me some guidelines which I am glad to abide by. Driving home was some great tunes (Brian Culbertson) along with comedic video interludes. My ride back was more enjoyable based upon many people calling until I got home. Made the ride more enjoyable.

November 10, 2024 – As diligent as I am, I cannot be 100% focused. I always run the risk of things missed in my peripheral vision. On Thursday I was at my call of the list, a pretty triggering experience that still has not been mitigated. I did have my Aid and Encourager with me assisting me regulate my involuntary actions. When scanning the courtroom, I only recognized the normal participants with just one other individual I’ve recognized from prior calls of my list. That particular individual is a regular visitor to the Courthouse and has interests in a variety cases going through the Court. I was actually at a completely different proceeding as a spectator and saw the same individual.

It has come to my attention that someone else unknown to me has been following my case that I wasn’t even aware of. Friend/Undercover Foe? I have no clue. Sometimes we don’t know how far messages spread, who they reach and anyones degree of interest.

Just packing the intellectual pipe.

November 8, 2024 – I’ve got another continuance. I need to pull out my parabolics and sharpen the edges along with wax. Hope my boots accommodate my toes without too much pain. Elk Mountain until I have permission to go to A Basin. I’ve got pressure to head out to Jackson Hole.

November 5, 2024 6:00PM- Comment I left on the Civil Rights Lawyer Blog. I am not certain if John Bryan will approve my comment, or even stop by to visit here. BUT, if he does venture here I want to address him here directly.

Counselor Bryan, I would love to share with you details regarding my case. It is incredibly well documented (many items are a matter of public record). My documentation spans many years. My video’s and other recordings are pretty intense and my counsel has never had the time (I’ve repeatedly requested) to review and discuss my case. I have most of my stuff blocked down privately and covered through Copyright protections. I would welcome the opportunity to share with you under specific privacy terms (which are negotiable to me).

I have some pretty hot mic stuff worthy of your educational advancement online.

Email is the best way [email protected]

My name is J. Ryan Miller – I’ve been repeatedly doxed and my name broadcast via usps along with the internet, in a very negative light (slander, libel, defamation) all over the place.

One quick public place to see is THIS Facebook Page (Just type “Octorara” in the search. This same individual loves to BLOG, same thing, type Octorara in Search. I’m hoping that the blogger is given an opportunity to be interviewed. She didn’t like me asking any questions (resulted in her filing an incident report with local police).

November 5, 2024 Thursday should be an interesting day for sure. Do I have any clue as to what is going to happen? Nope. I know what should happen as a matter of Due Process, a matter of practice and law. However, I am accustomed to that not functioning properly. I have not had any meetings with my counsel. I sent an email addressing a few issues and concerns but those were left unaddressed. Thursday is only a “Call of the List” which is confirming whether both parties are prepared to move forward to the scheduled trial date of 11/12/2024.

It is my understanding that the DA “could not” be prepared for a number of reasons and the Judge “should” be seeking clarification from the DA on the status of a few issues. Will the Judge do that? I have no clue. Will my legal counsel bring my concerns forward? I also have no clue, we haven’t talked. Actually, I have not been afforded to discuss the depth of my case with my attorney at all since being represented.

I am not sharing this in any derogatory or disparaging way at all. I am merely documenting what is happening to me through this process. I think the process is the way it is because we have accepted that this is the process. I have never had my ADA discrimination addressed or resolved in the Courthouse or the Courtroom. I am constantly threatened, harassed, and put in duress every time I enter the building, violating Title II 28 CFR Part 35. But, if I attempt to stand on my rights, I will be arrested.

For those who have been following the entire sequence of events, you know so much more than the general public. I want to share something with you specifically. It is related to a case out of Florida. Now, put your discernment cap on and specifically focus on the Letter drafted by the AG. You all know that the number of involved individuals against me is quite large. That obviously causes a pretty big problem in a host of areas. I don’t believe that that problem can be resolved based upon the way the system is constructed. I personally understood this problem long, long ago, and was hopeful that the problems wouldn’t compound themselves. Unfortunately, when things get ignored for so long, things outside of direct control wind up making a much bigger mess.

My thoughts have always been, acknowledge the problem (privately), then work on a peaceful resolution and negotiate the T&C’s. I have always been open to that, (and continue o maintain that position). It is my understanding that a small portion of my messaging which is in public, has been reviewed in contrast to a particular narrative. Do I know what thoughts those have based upon viewing my public information? Nope, I’m not a mind reader. I do know that what I have curated, I am responsible for what I’ve said and how I have conducted myself. But the piece which provides deeper context, is not in public (yet).

I have made personal decisions about the archive(s) I’ve created. Right now, they are secure and protected by my Copyright. I have shifted just a little bit to protect myself from the silence I am surrounded by. Thank heavens for friends oversight, prayers, counsel and support.

I want to suggest you visit this site, and read the AG Letter.

The Civil Rights Lawyer

October 30, 2024 A long time ago I was heavily involved with rescuing children from committing suicide. This began when parents decided to put smartphones and internet access (unsupervised) into the hands of children (still happening today). The internet has always been a dark pit of depravity which can suck in the eyes, minds and destroy the hearts and will of many. Terms and conditions, policy guidelines are not reviewed and contracts (deferral of responsibility) are as simple as clicking “I Agree”.

My primary attention was towards a new trend of real time, interactive, live streaming. Apps were spawning at a rapid rate, quick to engage a particular demographic based upon some creative business plan. Those business plans could not control how the public chose to use the experience.

A subculture emerged on live streaming, where a hidden language emerged with the use of emojis. A certain type of broadcast would be identified by a specific user and a alert went out to attract a similarly minded audience. The evil (not everyone agrees that objectification of minors or anyone is a problem) would quickly turn into luring, grooming and roasting. Individuals lacking familial nurturing had difficulty rebelling against deviant behavior. Sometimes, children would end a broadcast, other times, the hung around. Some tried to appease their audience (which they assigned as their fans or clout). Some, would spiral and be performers based upon the suggestions and guidance of their fans.

Today, the App providers have embraced this and even provided a monetization path for themselves along with the App user (broadcaster). If you don’t know the names of these apps, or where they lurk, don’t assume they don’t exist or are being visited by your children or grandchildren.

I had to step away from this passion project after dealing with countless grieving parents who lost their children directly sucked into the internet abyss. My education, warnings, protections meant nothing. I constantly heard #NotMyChild.

One of the things I created was a lesson called “The Virtue Continuum”, as a mechanism for self reflection, personal development and as a tool for parents to discern their own objective standard and goals for their children.

Why I believe this didn’t take hold is psychologically and societally complex but can have one tethering point. Our society in a moral decay. Evolutionary theory posits that development requires “new information” for advancement (not adaptation). Mutations are a “loss” of information. The “loss” started in the Garden of Eden and man has contributed to an accelerated loss. I call it De-Evolution which an element is moral decay.

I share this as an image that can be a guide to review the history of societies. Using this triangle one may tease out the societal patterns of 70, 250 and 400 year cycles. As Solomon wrote “There is nothing new under the sun.”

October 29, 2024 (part 2) My advocacy for those who have mental health challenges is pretty well established for several decades. I have plenty of testimony’s from parents who would willingly share their stories.

Attacks against me personally, regardless of the manner in which they are delivered, cannot overcome truth. The individual who hijacked the domain thought they would be funny and create a “redirect” to the ACLU. I am thinking that they are trying to raise funds for LGBTQ+ issues by trading my name. Personally, I’m not a big fan of the ACLU as they are pretty one sided on the civil liberty issues which they fight. But hey, that is a personal decision which I can remain neutral and not support with my own finances.

Alternatively, the link could be with evil intentions. Attempting to create a wound to my ego about some position I may take within the LGBTQ+ ideological paradigm. Here’s the kicker. Those that know me, know my position. I do not shy away from my position. Allow me to give you a little peek.

Marriage is a Biblical principle often mentioned in both the Old and New Testament. I will refrain from the numerous scriptures which support it. The early church created a sacrament, and ceremony which spoke to the marriage covenant and the relationship between the bride and Groom, Christ and the Church.

In the United States, marriages were initially conducted by clergy and were not “licensed” or “permitted” by the state until 1629, with all states eventually creating a State Marriage License by 1929. Why did the State get into “licensing marriage” (a religious covenant)? That’s a question for a different day.

The LGBTQ+ community has been advocating for a “church ceremony” (marriage), which for those which are of the same sex is nowhere in the bible. Now, if the “state” wants to perform “civil unions”, well that’s the states issue and has nothing to do with the Church. To legislate that a “Church” be obligated to act in contradiction to their doctrine is just rude. The state doesn’t have a role in the Church.

Am I opposed to same sex civil unions? Doesn’t matter if I am or not, remember I will not restrain someones free will.

What about some body using my name to redirect to the ACLU? That’s not a burning platform concern for me.

As for the past month I have been in the book of Ecclesiastes with a few detours into the Song of Solomon. The wisdom, poetry contained in those books is a true delight. I can read through them, looking at my wife amorously, talking about Cedars of Lebanon or my wife’s lips are like lilies, dripping with the juice of myrrh. It’s like God designed the union of man and woman to be pleasurable and a devotion.

I will remain standing on the truth which I proclaim. For those that have a personal truth, so be it. My only question is, are you willing to bet your eternity on personal truth? I think I know the answer already. Eternity is just dust and worms and life has no intrinsic value or meaning, just evolutionary nihilism.

October 29, 2024 It might come as a surprise to some, that I have very positive relationships with various Law Enforcement individuals of differing ranks and authority.  These relationships are across the country and I have enjoyed learning the language and terms within their profession.  Another thing, I have often heard repeated, is that “Criminal’s” can’t help themselves.  A reverberating description of criminal behavior echoed across the country is “the cover up of a crime often is more criminal than the crime attempting to be covered up.”  What that means is that where the first crime might be just (1) charge, with a single count, winds up being multiple charges with multiple counts. I’m not talking about the prosecution or punishment of crimes, just the actual crimes.

I did indeed submit to an unlawful arrest.  The events that happened in advance pretty much tell the story which the public servants won’t restrain themselves. The events after that are only visible, in full context, to a limited few.  A few may have read my repetitious preference for private dealings in contrast to public ones.  Yep, I’m still on the Mercy/Grace route.  But, the deceitfully wicked hearts prefer to spit venom when my words continue to extend mercy and grace.

Do I rely upon honesty among wicked humans?  Sure, but the degree is my own personal assignment on how far I extend trust in the hope of someone being honest. 

I can say with 100% confidence that the Octorara School Board Directors (with the exception of Anthony Falgiatore), have been silent when they were all noticed on 9/19/2023 to report harassment to Detective Juisti of East Pikeland Police Department. 

I should clarify, one board member did reach out. Unfortunately, that individual convinced themselves of something completely different of what was actually going on. That one individuals involvement is incredibly suspect. Who knows what happens to them.

Am I shocked or surprised by any board director?  No.  Would I hope that a God fearing person would stand for truth? Turn from fear of their power, position or authority based upon a faith they publicly proclaim?  Sure, I would hope that they would have a Holy Spirit guiding them to manifest fruit based upon truth and righteousness. 

However, absent of biblical oversight, I believe the fear is crippling. I would suggest embracing fear would not a movement of the Holy Spirit.  I’m even willing to go so far as to consider that the recent resignation of a board director, violated her own commitment to the community, teachers, students, parents, administrators and the board, was not a divinely inspired act.

God is not a God of confusion nor contradiction.  When taking the oath as a board director, it is known to be for a predetermined period of time. The verbalization of the oath, this commitment is known prior to uttering the oath.  The God of the bible is not so small, that a person would not be fortified or strengthened to honor Him and others in obedience to the oath.  Even if it would be hard, challenging, or uncomfortable. God does not promise discomfort, only that his plan is perfect for His purpose. It is possible that the resources for fortification, strength and support abound, but another spirit has grabbed ahold to reject, decline, rebuke or even attack, in disobedience to what God moved forward.  The Bible is pretty clear.

Matthew 5:11-12, which says, “Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great”.

Logically for me, running from persecution (pride, image, status, authority, position, etc), does not appear to be counted as a “blessing”, but a lack of Trust in God.

October 26, 2024 God is faithful, yet man remains a problem. But that is to be expected. Last evening I had a fantastic conversation with a fellow neuro-divergent who has incredible gifts related to artistry and vocal music. It was a delight meeting this individual as over 2 beverages we shared some deep thoughts (all based upon mutual agreement and willingness after being asked). It was cool that we both agreed to some T&C’s regarding communication etiquette. This man provide me some great philosophical feedback based upon what I was willing to disclose (through similes and metaphors). One question he kept returning to was, why not go public? For some reason that is a recurring question and the answer I have exhaustively explained. But the counter is related to “If you want Justice, isn’t that a powerful way to obtain Justice?”

Well, open of the door to the Gospel message why don’t you.

Justice on this earth is limited, unequal, and not designed to be “fair”. We all have an expiration date on our flesh and make our own decisions related to fears of our flesh. Justice here is “temporary”, and it is either just or it isn’t. However, ETERNITY is much, much longer, and the entrance into eternity will be subject to the JUSTICE of the One True King.

Should I be spinning cycles attempt to fix or influence a system of a “lesser magistrate”? Sure, in love, honor and respect. Do I expect the “lesser magistrate” to rule from a biblical worldview or a bureaucratic/administrative/case law perspective?

When I came home, I reviewed a few of my archives just to get a vantage point of personal consistency. I do not rely upon my own interpretation of that, for sure. I put together a little 2min video just showing a sample of materials. My PMA friends have a pretty good understanding what has been archived. Some little 40 page narrative is adorable, some bearded dragons have called it something other.

October 25, 2024 part 2: An unrelated thought. I have said that I have attempted to deal with the harms against me privately. Those that harmed me made it impossible for me to communicate with them directly. That was established after the unlawful arrest and the ensuing Bond conditions. However, it is known that what I have specifically put in public (That is not information that is from my Private Membership Association, which is all Copyright protected), has been reviewed by a few and taken out of context to advance a particular narrative.

Public to me is outside of my PMA. Content which I may post on “public” sites such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter or other common social media sites. If I don’t want something public, I secure, restrict, brand, and Copyright protect that information. For more protections I use legal instruments such as Contracts with secure username and password protections.

It has not been my desire to bring things into the public. But it is possible that my attempts to be reasonable will continue to be ignored and even converted into more criminal assertions. When I encounter that final obstacle of unreasonableness, the unreasonable people are telling me, “Go ahead, make it public.”

What do you think will happen if I do that?

Can I prevent theft by deception, fraud? Prevent is different than “preclude”. I have many “preventative” measures, but criminals may unlawfully pierce those. But, my remedy for the actions by criminals perpetrating fraud, through deception or theft is a court mater, It’s an issue as to demonstrate if our Justice system is truly JUST.

Can I prevent wicked people from doing wicked things? Absolutely not. Did I resist Trooper Crnkovik and Trooper Long? Nope, I submitted to their unlawful acts against me. The same goes with all of the others that have harmed me (which is a matter of public record).

Nobody knows that answer on my case yet. I do have my predictions though.

October 25, 2024 One thing we benefit from truly understanding. Our public servants have no duty, nor obligation to be honest with us. Sure, a public servant could choose to be honest, have integrity and strong morals. But, assuming that will be manifest in their official capacity can be quite risky. The Supreme Court tells us that it is our duty to know the limits of a public servants authority and respectfully correct them when they make mis-statements, misrepresentations or straight out false statements. However, doing so has its own set of risks. Some may assert that confronting a public servant could trigger a feel of a “contempt” of their authority. If that happens, watch out.

I believe that authoritarian individuals enjoy asserting their dominance over people and in public service that assertion often is supported by someone carrying implements of harm and death. I am not a proponent of people attempting to confront public servants as they have so many protections their harms against citizens are often continued without consequence. I have written ebooks on this paradigm and the challenges it presents.

I wanted to share a video of demonstrating a few important points The video short is taken from TikTok and I am putting it here to share a civil rights lawyers analysis. I am also going to post a link to the original content.

Link to the Civil Rights Lawyer video.

Related to the actions perpetrated against my by a volume of individuals under the Color of their authority, they have acted just like this Police Chief. Some, even quite worse. What is amazing (which the public continues to ignore) that additional crimes have been perpetrated to avoid admitting to the first crime. What is even more bizarre is that I “predicted” that this would happen.

What is interesting is that one individual is claiming that “I” facilitated the actions against me. That’s right, I physically had officers walk up to me, forced them to utter the words they spoke, manipulated their body to use pain compliance devices (handcuffs designed to cause pain and harm), kidnap me, and imprison me.

As a person who has repeatedly said “I will never restrain a human’s free will”, and no evidence will ever appear of me restraining or moving a private citizen. I couldn’t say anyone because someone would find a video of me hugging a friend or family member and contort that in a narrative as “See, he’s restraining someone”. Well, I don’t hug anyone who wouldn’t return a hug.

Wicked people do wicked things, and how they rationalize that is their issue and God may not accept their argument. I continue to pray for the lost souls who harm others.

October 18, 2024 Today was a pretty busy day. For those in the PMA you have stuff to get you up to speed. My private group on Facebook, you are getting a little bit of the peeks. Other than that, nothing I’m willing to share here.

I had a conversation with a friend inside of the PMA today and he wanted some clarification to comments I made the other day resulting from my study of Hosea. Also, he wanted to clarify my actions if I were to encounter certain individuals in public. I am so glad, proud and honored that he did exactly what he did. I either did not speak very clearly (which is very probable) or he misunderstood what I was saying. The issue was how I would deal with someone who proclaims to be a brother who is behaving contrary to their claim. It came down to “if” I would be open to an individual seeking forgiveness.

First off, without hesitation I said absolutely yes. (He knows my smashing play, I’m sorry story and “I’m sorry” doesn’t work for me the way people want it to work.) But, the lead in to that question was how I would engage a “brother” who is directly involved in harming me and covering up harms. My clarified answer was, be attentive if the conversation was forgiveness seeking. If not, my attention span is minimal to non-existent. But here is the kicker. My friend was concerned if my potential actions are rooted in malice, bitterness, anger or any negative emotions. I am so glad that he asked for my response was “Absolutely not”. The core emotion is weeping sadness in how broken a brother has become. I cannot “force” anyone to repent. Just like I can’t force someone to arrest me. Free Will (agency) exists or it doesn’t. I will not grab another human, move them, restrain them, perpetrate harm against them. For the same reason I can make someone apologize and seek forgiveness. The workings inside of ones heart is either guided by a good spirit or a wicked one. If it’s wicked, fine, I live in a wicked world. I have my own Free Agency to avoid wickedness, walk away from wickedness or stand in opposition to it (peacefully, in love, honor and respect). Bitterness? I spit that out long, long ago.

God is the ultimate judge. Our system of Judges runs quite a kaleidoscope of Godly and unGodly. It requires discernment to know who you are encountering. I don’t immediately accept what one says regarding their relationship with God. I will extend trust, in hopes that the claim is true. When evidence reveals that it may not be actually true, hope increases, while trust declines. But that is just me.

Oh, on a side note. The Chester County Blogger is in a mean girls battle with another person who is being sucked into the social media text battles. Not worth watching other than seeing people expend energy and not much of it is uplifting, noble or righteous. It certainly is filled with pride.

October 17, 2024 Social Media is a playground of impulsive textual sparring.  I have no clue as to what possesses people to foil with wicked hearted people.  My attempts to reason with people strive to be rooted in “love” like, “hey, don’t hurt yourself”.  Also, I don’t desire to cause people to stumble or sin.

I was navigating a website (which East Whiteland Police has forbidden me from interacting, not sure what Law I would be breaking), where two women are pounding away with some pretty horrible language.  One is doing so with backhanded subtleties, the other is more direct in their putting cushions around vulgar similes.  

One of the individuals has been a catalyst of harm and a co-conspirator which the long arms of justice haven’t touched (yet).  It’s pretty funny to me that law enforcement is fearful of a blogger.  But, I can understand that wicked people have no limits to the hornets that they are willing to provoke, so avoiding that is indeed prudent.

As a spectator and perambulator in this world of darkness, I am never surprised by wickedness.  My worldview is solid enough that I can celebrate whatever magnitude of success people who may act contrary to their nature. 

What is contrary to their nature? 

Well, to me it would be evidence of the Fruit of the Spirit.  I expect to see Serpent Fruit (it’s not actually Serpent Fruit, as the Serpent doesn’t produce fruit, maybe it’s better called excrement).  I made this image the other day for my own personal reflection.  I believe that as humans, the Serpent Fruit (Excrement),  we all manifest to varying degrees.  Those that have the indwelling of the H.S. should have the promptings on both sides.  Some will rebel against the excrement, those that have evidence of that, I embrace and celebrate.  I also seek out relationships with those that can point out my own excrement, and encourage me to rebel as well.

October 13, 2024 One thing I have become accustomed to is how people need to protect their own egos, positions of power, and their sense of themselves. One of the manifestations of AuDHD is my never ending questioning to determine on what basis someone claims their words to be anchored in truth. This is often received in a negative form of questioning, other than me asking “How do you know?” Take it a step deeper, it is also received as a challenge to ones knowledge, authority, or power. I can say that almost nobody likes to be presented or challenged with being “wrong”. Historically for me, when someone feels that I have pressed to hard (subjectively) a reaction or response can be quite punitive. For decades I have had to navigate the punitive actions of countless people. But those are chapters for a different book.

Regarding my decades of advocacy, I (and many other advocates) have been the recipients of the most horrible harms. Specifically to me being invited into Octorara School District as an advocate, I expected similar vitriolic, attacks. So many were glad to join that bandwagon rally of false narrative. The harms were and are not minimal.

  • Copyright information stolen and shared publicly.
  • Slander, Libel, Defamation, Extortion via the US Postal System.
  • False reports to police departments uninvestigated.
  • Contaminating the ability to have a fair trial.
  • Had to let my website domain expire due to Copyright crimes.
  • Website purchased by outsider for malicious, intentional use to cause harm.
  • Obstruction of justice, impeding investigations, lying to a victim.
  • and so much more.

I had elected to take down my Cultural Contrarian Facebook page (but I kept a record of all of the activity on that page). I made a choice to keep so much information in my control and not share publicly. Why? Very simply because it was evidence of countless crimes and I didn’t want the criminals to know what I had. Obviously if the made it public they would assume I have it. But, the majority of the “public” would have no knowledge (or interest) as they have been consuming narrative.

I’ve decided to create a NEW Facebook Group, which is PRIVATE. Creating a PRIVATE Group, I have the power to establish RULES to allow people in who are willing to follow RULES.

Inside of this Group I have begun sharing bits and pieces of “evidence”, as to the depth of depravity in which criminals dwell. Remember, I claim that all humans are wicked, and I am a human as well. What is different for me is that I have a standard to claim actions to be wicked, the ability to discern wickedness and a gift to be empowered to rebel against my own wickedness.

So, for those who gain power through reading my posts, and dreaming up fantastical narratives to remain in the emotional pit of darkness. Striving to preserve ones pride, sense of self and for some, just following orders. Good on ya. For healthy normal brains that trespass and harm others, sleep is often not quite restful.

I expect people to screenshot, take my comments out of context. It’s what people do. At my option, as I add more evidence to the private group, I can easily toggle a setting and make it public. Not saying that I will do that at all, as I am hoping that people will study some of the scriptural nuggets I sprinkle about.

I am blessed beyond what I deserve. It has been a real joy investing time to be equipped to answer questions (Timothy 4:2). I am also very thankful for my friend that encouraged me to study John Wesley and specifically The Wesleyan Quadrialateral. Those that know me can imagine that I brought my own flair to sharing this learning. God has honored me with putting some very fantastic humans in my path. One has been joining me very early in the morning for Bible Study (which he is truly enjoying). I’ve expanded my friend network through this study period along with another period of study. My current Bible is in transition to be given to an important person I value. Along with some instructions to decipher my color coding and notes. I have been checking every day for my new bible that I pray arrives tomorrow.

I have great peace in having a sound theology and a foundation to claim anything to be morally righteous and true. On that note, I celebrated holding a baby that God used me to be a tool of rescue from the murder mill in West Chester. The mom told me a story on how she named her baby and it brought me to tears. The name: Boaz. Even though my family and friends are victims of relentless wickedness perpetrated by reprobate humans, I pray for them to receive Christ, repent, receive the Grace of God (UN MERITED FAVOR), in FAITH, FOR WORKS. Absent of Christ, an eternity of Stop, Drop and Roll will not eliminate perpetual torment.


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