October 13, 2024 One thing I have become accustomed to is how people need to protect their own egos, positions of power, and their sense of themselves. One of the manifestations of AuDHD is my never ending questioning to determine on what basis someone claims their words to be anchored in truth. This is often received in a negative form of questioning, other than me asking “How do you know?” Take it a step deeper, it is also received as a challenge to ones knowledge, authority, or power. I can say that almost nobody likes to be presented or challenged with being “wrong”. Historically for me, when someone feels that I have pressed to hard (subjectively) a reaction or response can be quite punitive. For decades I have had to navigate the punitive actions of countless people. But those are chapters for a different book.

Regarding my decades of advocacy, I (and many other advocates) have been the recipients of the most horrible harms. Specifically to me being invited into Octorara School District as an advocate, I expected similar vitriolic, attacks. So many were glad to join that bandwagon rally of false narrative. The harms were and are not minimal.

  • Copyright information stolen and shared publicly.
  • Slander, Libel, Defamation, Extortion via the US Postal System.
  • False reports to police departments uninvestigated.
  • Contaminating the ability to have a fair trial.
  • Had to let my website domain expire due to Copyright crimes.
  • Website purchased by outsider for malicious, intentional use to cause harm.
  • Obstruction of justice, impeding investigations, lying to a victim.
  • and so much more.

I had elected to take down my Cultural Contrarian Facebook page (but I kept a record of all of the activity on that page). I made a choice to keep so much information in my control and not share publicly. Why? Very simply because it was evidence of countless crimes and I didn’t want the criminals to know what I had. Obviously if the made it public they would assume I have it. But, the majority of the “public” would have no knowledge (or interest) as they have been consuming narrative.

I’ve decided to create a NEW Facebook Group, which is PRIVATE. Creating a PRIVATE Group, I have the power to establish RULES to allow people in who are willing to follow RULES.

Inside of this Group I have begun sharing bits and pieces of “evidence”, as to the depth of depravity in which criminals dwell. Remember, I claim that all humans are wicked, and I am a human as well. What is different for me is that I have a standard to claim actions to be wicked, the ability to discern wickedness and a gift to be empowered to rebel against my own wickedness.

So, for those who gain power through reading my posts, and dreaming up fantastical narratives to remain in the emotional pit of darkness. Striving to preserve ones pride, sense of self and for some, just following orders. Good on ya. For healthy normal brains that trespass and harm others, sleep is often not quite restful.

I expect people to screenshot, take my comments out of context. It’s what people do. At my option, as I add more evidence to the private group, I can easily toggle a setting and make it public. Not saying that I will do that at all, as I am hoping that people will study some of the scriptural nuggets I sprinkle about.

I am blessed beyond what I deserve. It has been a real joy investing time to be equipped to answer questions (Timothy 4:2). I am also very thankful for my friend that encouraged me to study John Wesley and specifically The Wesleyan Quadrialateral. Those that know me can imagine that I brought my own flair to sharing this learning. God has honored me with putting some very fantastic humans in my path. One has been joining me very early in the morning for Bible Study (which he is truly enjoying). I’ve expanded my friend network through this study period along with another period of study. My current Bible is in transition to be given to an important person I value. Along with some instructions to decipher my color coding and notes. I have been checking every day for my new bible that I pray arrives tomorrow.

I have great peace in having a sound theology and a foundation to claim anything to be morally righteous and true. On that note, I celebrated holding a baby that God used me to be a tool of rescue from the murder mill in West Chester. The mom told me a story on how she named her baby and it brought me to tears. The name: Boaz. Even though my family and friends are victims of relentless wickedness perpetrated by reprobate humans, I pray for them to receive Christ, repent, receive the Grace of God (UN MERITED FAVOR), in FAITH, FOR WORKS. Absent of Christ, an eternity of Stop, Drop and Roll will not eliminate perpetual torment.


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