September 6, 2024
The word “should” be removed from everyone’s vocabulary when making claims, representations, expectations, obligations, or duties assigned to anyone in public service.
Even after I confirmed that EWPD is unlawfully obstructing a criminal investigation by retaining “exculpatory” information and “Brady” information, they maintain a position of silence.
- I left a voice mail with EWPD Officer Popp on 8/30 which has been ignored as of 9/5.
- I met with Lt. Kopaz on 9/4 where he admitted to having evidence and discussed the incident report #24-309751.
- I have not received a response to my request for a copy of the supplemental complaint.
- I have not received a response to my RTK for Officer Woulfe’s Bodycam.
- Detective Juisti stated it is my attorney’s responsibility to gather documents.
- I sent an email to my Attorney, no response.
- Detective Juisti requires permission from his Chief to gather evidence. Previous conduct from EPPD Chief and LT, will deny Detective Juisti from taking that step.
- ADA Leslie Pike is conversing with Detective Juisti to prepare charging documents for identified individual who is allegedly perpetrating witness intimidation.
- EWPD has denied Officer Falgiatore access to witness intimidation documents to present to ADA Leslie Pike.