Cultural Contrarian Private Membership Association Founder recently attended a Seminar by the East Pikeland Police Department (EPPD) on how to protect from Scams, Fraud and other criminal online activities. Cultural Contrarian chose to expand on the efforts of EPPD to educate the community and assist through additional educational resources along with practical steps to be secure. The intent is to amplify the messaging and the real concerns addressed by EPPD and to bring more context along with solutions to the public.
Cultural Contrarian has created a supplemental presentation to compliment EPPD and is willing to do a public presentation. Upon completion of the presentation, Cultural Contrarian will provide access to additional resources and where to find tools to help private citizens become more secure.
Back in May of 2023, the Founder of Cultural Contrarian reported multiple crimes against a Kimberton resident to the East Pikeland Police department involving multiple officers (Chief Major, Dan Corbo, Dylan Weaver, Matt Paris and Joe Juisti). EPPD has been in receipt of hundreds of pieces of evidence and expressed they had identified a particular suspect.
In January of 2024, Dylan Weaver, Matt Paris and Joe Juisti, directly reported to the Chester County District Attorney’s office, their ongoing investigation into several inchoate crimes including mail fraud against a Kimberton resident involving a witness in an ongoing criminal case. Crimes against the witness (who happens to be a law enforcement officer in East Whiteland) and his family were also noticed to EPPD.
The resident was informed that a minimum of 4 criminal charges along with hundreds of counts were being prepared to be submitted to the DA to facilitate an arrest warrant. On 11/24/2024 (after over a year of crimes against Kimberton resident), EPPD has shifted to claim that no crimes were committed and have essentially closed yet representing the case remains open based upon resident reporting “new crimes”. The reality is that the case is closed as the existing crimes will not be investigated and more reporting of identical crimes will have no impact to advance any investigation.
Resident will be attempting to privately speak with the Board of Supervisors regarding the concerns of leadership within the EPPD for their consideration. It is likely that the Board of Supervisors will refrain from a private discussion based upon receiving narrative from Chief Major or other Police Department members. Based upon avoiding a private conversation, the Kimberton resident will accept that position and will permit the public to review the residents experience with the East Pikeland Police Department.
The resident had a preference to resolve the expansive concerns privately and that has not been met with any favorable response. Actually, the response was avoiding and even obstructionary. In police language it would be conduct unbecoming of an officer along with other documented policy violations and more. The resident does have remedies to the harms perpetrated against him and others, even when it extends to Law Enforcement and potentially supervisors. Involvement of local solicitor’s regarding actions done in ones “private capacity” would be intentional deflection of personal responsibility through an uninvolved interloper. My prayer is that all individuals recognize the difference between authority in their official position in contrast to actions in their private capacity. Particularly if/when conspicuously noticed of violating 42 USC 1983 and 18 USC 241 & 242.
If you are wondering what the citizen has reported to EPPD, it is quite extensive and many reading this may have been in receipt of a document in their mail. The below video is Officer Weaver opening an “extortion” letter addressed to the resident and widely distributed within Chester and Lancaster County.
NOTE: Resident did not respond to the threat. The result was that many residents (within Chester and Lancaster County) received this communication and other slanderous, defamatory letters via the US mail. EPPD interviewed no suspects, obtained no elimination prints from known suspects and maintains that extortion via USPS is not a crime (along with other reported crimes).
Here is another package sent to a neighbor.
East Pikeland Board of Supervisors
I greatly appreciated having the ability to freely speak last evening. I am very thankful for your engagement. My experience has been that many boards are a bit more strict regarding public comment, and lack community interaction. The dialogue between the board and the community was refreshing and even entertaining.
The topic I was bringing before you is quite sensitive and I am pretty certain that you had already received some narrative regarding my circumstances which might have been enhanced after I left.
I want to stress my desire for privacy. I have substantially documented (now going beyond 3 years), a pretty intertwined network of public servants who have not been honoring their oath, derelict in their duties and been directly lying to me (a victim). The details are long and complex and I would not make such a claim without having objective records that support the claim. The Truth is, that if public servants abide by the law in maintaining public records, my objective record would be nearly identical to information available in the public record.
John Miller (TTT)
[email protected] 610-656-2208
Friday December 6 9:40 AM
Yesterday I received a phone call from Officer Juisti. Highly inappropriate based upon how EPPD has been acting.
The chief has said nothing, no email, voice mail.
The Board of Supervisors have not attempted to reach me.
It is possible they are concerned with what I might communicate. I am not opposed to just remaining silent and share with them actual communications, and audio conversations. Those that have followed me know that I have significantly documented what has been happening.

The above is just examples of my copy of public records. What is interesting is that if one were to listen to these recordings, crimes inside of EPPD are being claimed by an officer along with documented lies from multiple officers to a VICTIM.

December 8, 2024
I didn’t expect the Board of supervisors to engage over the weekend. I am merely documenting what a citizen should assign as a “reasonable” response from our public servants when we request their oversight or assistance. I have my own experience (documented) which is the framework to arrive at my own expectations.
Officer Juisti is on the phone with Mr. Miller and Officer Falgiatore discussing that he ‘was’ filing criminal charges back in September. Was that a true statement? When exactly did criminal actions transition into non-crimes?
How long should I wait before taking a different communication approach?
December 9, 2024
Why did Officer Juisti all of a sudden acknowledge receipts of emails that are months old? Particularly after EWPD closed the case claiming no crimes were perpetrated against me?